Train power by calculating the IP, Power Index

25 May 2022

Published for issue (38) Strength of the journal & Conditioning of the socks & Mariucci, I present an article for De Motu with the title: “Train power by calculating the IP, Power Index” In this work I show a method that allows you to train and monitor explosive strength with overloads through the use of a simple stopwatch, without the use of tools, certainly more precise and sophisticated, but certainly more expensive and in some…



For all readers of De I had the honor of being one of the organizers of an international event entitled "PREVENTION OF INDIRECT MUSCLE INJURIES IN SPORT" of which I report the program in pdf format: Event program Course organized by Sport Academy Europe (, and UNIFunvic ( which should have been held in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates. (Unfortunately,) due to the restrictions the possibility was opened (for…

20 March 2021

PayPa Project

It was the 31 August 2017, when Davide Tessaro, researcher CRAMS of Turin, contacted me to inform me that the FITARCO (Italian Federation of Archery) approved and sponsored "PayPa", research aimed at identifying the physical profile / aptitude athlete "type" practicing archery Olympic archery and to demonstrate how it is possible to perform the functional evaluation using computerized equipment easy to use and lowcost. An interdisciplinary project, strongly…

6 May 2019

A grande richiesta IJumpV2Free è ritornato

IJUMP 2 Free Version is the software that allows you to replicate a free Ergo Jump (Bosco Platform) thanks triaxial accelerometer in the Wii remote control Due to a technical problem unfortunately, until now it was not possible to update and use the much requested software. You've been in so many to write, Thank you… I apologize for this inconvenience, Go on…. IJumpVFree©, free software for the analysis and study…

27 June 2018


Si ringrazia il centro studi Isotek di Torino, per la preziosa collaborazione ed il supporto tecnico; e gli arcieri agonisti della società sportiva ARC.A. (Arcieri Alpignano – To) Il Core Training è un genere di allenamento pensato per preparare il corpo a svolgere più efficacemente le diverse attività motorie grazie ad esercizi che integrano lo sviluppo della capacità di forza, la resistenza muscolare e la capacità di risposta del corpo…

6 May 2017

Un metodo matematico per il cambio della staffetta 4×100 m

The following article is a collaboration with the site, which he had already led to the publication of the article “The mechanics of the curve Racing” Furio Barba. The same author's contribution today, the change in the relay 4×100 meters. Dear readers today I present a report relating to the construction of a mathematical model for the changing of the relay 4×100 m in athletics. In it, not all issues will be addressed…

25 October 2016

Motor skills and language learning Alberto Oliviero

When we think of mind and learning often we favor a logical-abstract conception: we focus on the "language of the mind" and its incorporeal aspects and much less on the reality and the motor actions, despite actions and movements have a central role in the formation processes and mental representation

27 September 2016

Teaching the passage in football, before step (Published the new format for youth training)

Published the new presentation “Teaching the passage in football, before step”   Dopo molto tempo, I suggest readers to DeMotu a personal article about a topic that is close to my heart's youth training Specifically it is a series of presentations in brief, in formato PowerPoint, per più puntate, allo scopo di affrontare questo tema così dedicato. È necessario far presente che si tratta…

26 September 2016

(full article) The index of power efficient

the Calzetti & Mariucci, in the number (8) Strength of the journal & conditioning publishes an article entitled: The strength of the force or: strength index efficient Demotu Today offers the ability to download and read the PDF of the complete article previously presented, good read: “La potenza è nulla senza il controllo” Era lo slogan pubblicitario di una nota casa di pneumatici che non a caso aveva scelto come testimonial, "Son of the Wind", Carl…

16 July 2016

L’allenamento funzionale… Funzionale per chi ?!?, per cosa !?!

Furio Barba, per questo nuovo appuntamento su DeMotu, ci invita a riflettere e aprire gli occhi riguardo i “titoli” che vengono dati a particolari nuove forme di attività (soprattutto importate dall’estero) nate negli ultimi anni nel mondo delle Scienze Motorie. Un articolo scottante, scomodo, provocante, destinato a creare clamori e discussioni. Caro lettore ti invito caldamente a leggere il testo di una voce fuori dal coro, perché credo che le diversità…

28 April 2016

The relationship between the inclination of the athlete and the acceleration in the race

The stage set in motion an athlete sprinter, It involves a forward inclined position which favors the rapid succession of the steps and the progressive increase of its speed; such action in physics is described as “not uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion” and he has the direction of the acceleration concordant with the movement. According to a thesis that I have heard and read, the acceleration value is "dictated" by tilting the subject when mathematically…

15 December 2015

The relationship between speed and acceleration

What is the relationship between the speed and acceleration? There is a relationship between the acceleration and speed in different motions? And if there had to be that kind of relationship would? The speed is a quantity that defines the rate of change of position of a body in function of time and that its variation is defined acceleration; in differential terms latter is equal to the derivative with respect to time of the speed. The speed…

13 December 2015

Alcuni aspetti della biomeccanica della corsa in salita … ed altro

Per tutti i lettori di continua la serie di pubblicazioni di Furio Barba sul tema “Corsa & Biomeccanica” (e non solo), questo nuovo articolo riprende il discorso che nella buriana primavera del 2014 provocò clamore e varie disquisizioni tra preparatori atletici, allenatori e studiosi del movimento di tutta Italia. A distanza di tempo Furio Barba presenta una seconda scottante provocante relazione che intitola “A lezione di fisica; chi dietro la lavagna? 2″. Il Presente lavoro,…

2 September 2015

La corsa in curva

Oggi per DeMotu vi presento un lavoro originale che invito tutti a leggere, in particolare agli allenatori di Atletica Leggera.   Developed by Prof. Furio Barba (PhD) docente della Scuola dello Sport e dall’Ingegner Giulio Spagnuolo, trattasi di un’analisi transdisciplinare, che fonde competenze di fisica e biomeccanica, applicata all’Atletica leggera La corsa in curva Direi…, un saggio interessantissimo non solo perché cura aspetti teorici, ma consegna al lettore, in particolar modo all’allenatore,…

10 August 2015

Proprioceptive tablets

In the beautiful resort of Caorle, during the last week of July 2014, The Team Diablo, the largest company of dance sport in the world, both titles won (Italian, European and world) and both the number of its components (over 6000 dancers enrolled, around the world), as every year, ha dato vita alla tredicesima edizione dell’International Training Camp Caorle, the only event of its kind. Dancers, masters, coaches, trainers,…

22 November 2014

(Full article) Capturing the evolution of the phenomena with the recalculation of the scores "z"

The interesting proposal made by Julius Rattazzi in this
article helps us to systematize and formalize
statistical terms, this form of "oblivion". Through the technique
the recalculation of the points Z helps us to describe the evolution
performance of an athlete, assigning a meaning to
new performance based on past performance but
also reassigning meaning to past performance
on the basis of the current ones. In this way it is possible to estimate the
potential "average" of a subject in a certain type of competition
and describe the evolution.
It is a technique that opens up interesting perspectives not only in
exercise science but in all those areas of knowledge in which
you need to study the temporal evolution of the phenomena that
fluctuate around "attractors" a priori unknown but estimable
based on the same surveys. If the analysis of the data implies
contrast and comparison between situations, the technique illustrated
is proposed as a promising modality for comparison
diachronic and the reinterpretation, by un'analisi
a posteriori, of the evolutionary stages of a phenomenon.

15 August 2014

Sports educated mind ...

Unfortunately, it often happens that physical activity is relegated to people who do not have the necessary expertise to deal with a profession so delicate, consequently damage often occur that affect people's lives. Problema ancora più grave è quando le attenzioni malsane sono rivolte ai giovani. Vi fareste mai curare da un medico pur sapendo che questo non ha conseguito almeno una laurea in medicina? Allora perché l’attività…

15 June 2014

Allegro ma non troppo ....

"I do not possess the knowledge, the irrefutable truth, makes the man of science, but critical research, persistent and restless, the truth. The method of science is rational: is the best we have. Therefore, it is rational to accept its results; but not in the sense of trusting blindly in them: we never know in advance where we could be left in the lurch. Science is the search for truth. Ma la verità non è verità certa.” Karl Popper…

22 May 2014

The training of the sprinter, from theory to practice,

(in with the correct model of Newtonian acceleration ride on the flat and uphill) Among the most striking historical sites of the City, large classroom of the University “Parthenope” the building via the Spanish Admiral Acton, between the Royal Palace and the Angevin; in the hub of knowledge and learning, quando Napoli era considerata centro culturale e artistico di tutta Europa, Oggi Napoli 18 April 2014, creed and not the case,…

21 April 2014

Strength & Conditioning n° 7 in regalo

The Calzetti & Publishers Mariucci to open and spread the digital version of the magazine Strength&Conditioning offers the opportunity to download for free on your Mac, Ipad, Iphone, IPode, Pc, App of the number 7 the magazine. Make suffered Click on the image Strength Index magazine for women. I primi trent’anni della pesistica in rosa Antonio Urso LA MACCHINA CHE C’È IN ME La forza nella terza e quarta età Menotti…

3 April 2014

Fragments of the life of a self-styled coach

It was the 3 December 2008. In Piazza Bernini 12, as they say for major events, "I was there". That evening, in the historic Aula 1 dell'ISEF Turin were many, huddled next to each other in deathly silence, immersed in a surreal atmosphere. Call no one was missing, we were all, students and teachers: Joachim Kratter remember in the first row, Claudio Gaudino c'era, many seemed excited schoolboys, all there to listen to Master….

7 May 2013

Table proprioceptive high frequency at zero cost without the support of computer

In previous articles we have already examined the importance of high-frequency boards proprioceptive. In the next few lines are shown in a summarized way the main points discussed in previous articles has been said that the use of a tilting tablet with real-time visual feedback, while not reproducing any type of movement or human activity, It is actually a highly specific tool to assess and reprogram the features of subcortical centers deputies…

29 March 2013

Training Assessment, an experimental software for the functional evaluation of the athlete

In 1997, a 23 age, The ISEF I had finished the course and passed the Naples National technical coach FIDAL. I was already engaged both as a coach of young sprinters, both as an athletic trainer for a volleyball team and also as a swimming instructor, when the computer was spreading like wildfire. Impassioned by Functional assessment of, I thought that the use of the computer could be a valuable support to measure my sport, so I went looking for a software that could help me in the work. Purtroppo non trovai…

12 March 2013


Professor Andrea Scanavino, Professional large, though young but veteran in the world of football with the “Capital C”, with experience , skills and professionalism, unique in its kind has helped large samples, club international, to overcome, in the best way, major accidents, Today, per la comunità di DeMotu, mette a servizio un illuminante articolo dal titolo: “PROGRESSIVE RESEARCH ADAPTATION TO WORK FOR YOUR PLAYER INJURED. METODI DI ALLENAMENTO E…

23 February 2013

The Sports Doping who suffers who fights Alessandro Donati

Then, student of the Faculty of Sciences made a question to my teacher of sports law, known judge. << Professore mi scusi com’é possibile che l’ente CONI deputato a preparare al meglio gli atleti per le olimpiadi e per le gare internazionali, also the body to oversee the doping?, in short, in other words: controlled by a controller itself?>> His response was: << il Coni è un ente super…

26 January 2013
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Joint mobility

This article is taken from two publications 1996 and the 2007, which had both start with the definition of joint mobility and a glossary where you specified the meaning of terms used too often, alas improperly, instead of joint mobility (fluency articulate when it goes well, muscle flexibility when it's bad, if not flexibility Stretching =). In questo articolo ho omesso tutta la parte riguardante gli aspetti anatomo-fisiologici relativi alla mobilità articolare…

15 January 2013
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Survey Plyometrics

Determining the type of plyometric exercise in relation to the sport practiced Continuous research of methodological applications tailored to the specific demands of different sports, has given rise to profound reflections that, although they had found in the continuous daily application with athletes of different disciplines satisfactory answers to the questions the theoretical and the requests of various types of performance, mancavano della conferma che solo una sperimentazione effettuata con criteri e…

4 January 2013
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The motion is complex as it is complex man

A document courtesy of Prof. Pasquale Bellotti (material provided to the courses of the Faculty of Sciences of Turin for the field of teaching Moral Philosophy, Prof.. Dr. Pasquale Bellotti) written in 1935 dall'immenso Scienziato Nikolaj Bernstejin,dal titolo “Il problema dell’interrelazione tra coordinazione localizzazione”. Stunning noted as a distance of 80 years his studies are still quite current, I would say, not yet passed, surprising, I would say brilliant, note in the video, technology, today…

13 June 2012
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