A grande richiesta IJumpV2Free è ritornato

IJUMP 2 Free version is the software which allows you to replicate a for free Ergo Jump (Bosco Platform) thanks to the triaxial accelerometer contained in the remote control of the Wii

Unfortunately due to a technical problem, until now it was not possible to update and use the much requested software.

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IJumpVFree©, the free software for the analysis and the study of human movement.

But what is IJumpV2 Free©?, as already said IJumpVFree© is a software which connects to a popular tool: the Wiiremote the Nintendo WII.

A Little Gem, technologically advanced rich sensors, that lends itself well to the study and analysis of the movement. With tri-axial accelerometer (l'ADXL 330 dell’analog device) You can record, without connecting any wires (Bluetooth transmission) the data in real-time of the acceleration of an athlete in motion, to derive a wealth of useful information for sports training, for rehabilitation and for all that concerns the study and analysis of human movement.

In addition, the software, has many features, as for example the possibility to perform the battery test of jumps commonly carried out with the famous ErgoJump

So what are you waiting for download?

in the box below the video, Insert your data (name and email) and press the "" buttonClick here“, You will immediately receive the compressed package in .zip format of the software to unpack and install.

Those who already own the software must still fill out the form below and carry out the installation procedure again:

For the video course click on the link below:

Go to the video course

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Posted by giulio.rattazzi