Because training is inside us but it is outside

13 April 2021

Dear readers, I propose attached, a beautiful article by Luca Casu, written for Strength magazine & Conditioning (number 34 October December 2020) of Calzetti&Weather in Mariuscci, kindly granted to us the publication for the site A very interesting piece entitled "Because training is inside us but it is outside" Letter from a coach with different food for thought and at the same time, with several provocations regarding the concept…


A grande richiesta IJumpV2Free è ritornato

IJUMP 2 Free Version is the software that allows you to replicate a free Ergo Jump (Bosco Platform) thanks triaxial accelerometer in the Wii remote control Due to a technical problem unfortunately, until now it was not possible to update and use the much requested software. You've been in so many to write, Thank you… I apologize for this inconvenience, Go on…. IJumpVFree©, free software for the analysis and study…

27 June 2018

What training Sports ? from the interview with Pasquale Bellotti

Some time ago she gave a beautiful definition of training Sports ie: “The sports training process is a pedagogical-educational complex, individualized and based bioethical, which develops in long arcs of time, possibly from childhood, and that – after an initial and essential step of training and initiation of physical and mental – is completed with the systematic organization of exercise, repeated in quantities, with intensity and density, secondo forme…

30 August 2015

(Full article) Capturing the evolution of the phenomena with the recalculation of the scores "z"

The interesting proposal made by Julius Rattazzi in this
article helps us to systematize and formalize
statistical terms, this form of "oblivion". Through the technique
the recalculation of the points Z helps us to describe the evolution
performance of an athlete, assigning a meaning to
new performance based on past performance but
also reassigning meaning to past performance
on the basis of the current ones. In this way it is possible to estimate the
potential "average" of a subject in a certain type of competition
and describe the evolution.
It is a technique that opens up interesting perspectives not only in
exercise science but in all those areas of knowledge in which
you need to study the temporal evolution of the phenomena that
fluctuate around "attractors" a priori unknown but estimable
based on the same surveys. If the analysis of the data implies
contrast and comparison between situations, the technique illustrated
is proposed as a promising modality for comparison
diachronic and the reinterpretation, by un'analisi
a posteriori, of the evolutionary stages of a phenomenon.

15 August 2014

What is the secret of training Sportsman?

It seems like yesterday, but they are gone now 14 years since I met my Master, in fact I think it is not only my Master, but the Master of Sport in Italy, al quale tutto il mondo delle Scienze Motorie dovrebbe dire sentitamente: Thanks. A Pasquale Bellotti feci una domanda, front Ingenue, perhaps trivial, but at the same time mischievous, con lo scopo di carpire chissà quali segreti, tra quelli che certamente…

13 July 2014

The sports training: strategies and periodization

I think one of the greatest books of sports training has not been written by a coach or by a researcher of the study of the movement but by a sociologist philosopher, perhaps the greatest living today: Edgar Morin, fautore del pensiero complesso. In the eyes of an expert and maybe I might sound like a heretic according to him is a series of nonsense, ma provate a leggere “la testa ben fatta, riforma dell’insegnamento…

29 June 2014

Lo Sport, il Gioco, la Guerra, di Julio Velasco

É trascorso molto tempo dal mio ultimo contributo, questo non è un caso. Da quando ho ideato De Motu (de motu dal latino intorno al movimento, oppure riguardo al movimento) il mio intento, (perdonatemi altrimenti…), è stato sempre quello di produrre articoli capaci di suscitare, da parte del lettore, dubbi e interessi, piuttosto a volte, mantenendo saldo a questi principi, ho preferito non pubblicare, perdendo ahimè… la possibilità di aumentare…

6 June 2014

Fragments of the life of a self-styled coach

It was the 3 December 2008. In Piazza Bernini 12, as they say for major events, "I was there". That evening, in the historic Aula 1 dell'ISEF Turin were many, huddled next to each other in deathly silence, immersed in a surreal atmosphere. Call no one was missing, we were all, students and teachers: Joachim Kratter remember in the first row, Claudio Gaudino c'era, many seemed excited schoolboys, all there to listen to Master….

7 May 2013

Tips for a young coach

Last question Prof. Bellotti dispensing valuable advice for all young people who wish to enter the profession most beautiful in the world: The coach “The last question I would ask is that The: what are the recommendations, maybe secrets (possibly also practical), che vorrebbe dare a un giovane allenatore che si appresta a intraprendere la professione di allenatore?, which aspects should never forget ? Buona visone

21 December 2012

Sport and Technology

In the video Pasquale Bellotti gave an interview regarding the use of technology applied to the Sport: In recent 30 age, studies on training sports, also thanks to the great strides made by information technology and electronics, si avvalgono dell’utilizzo di nuovi strumenti tecnologici sempre più avanzati per misurare, assess and monitor the sports training, insomma la tecnologia a servizio dello Sport, What do you think about?, How do you see the use of technology in sports?, Qual…

21 November 2012

The technology of sports training

We have already mentioned the fact that the mere measurement makes sense only if it is accompanied by appropriate reasoning. Of course we must not think that the technology and its instruments are to be thrown away. The instrument has a validity important, is largely due to the technology that man has reached the current level of well-being. "Never before in this century, science and technology have had enormous, greatest hits, in tutti…

9 November 2012

Exclusive interview with Prof. Bellotti: “The training complex”

Taken from the interview with Pasquale Bellotti, Professor, without a doubt one of the greatest experts of sports training in Italy, answers the following question What role does the complexity in training Sports? Enjoy Giulio Rattazzi topics throughout the interview: Concetto di Sport Cos’è l’allenamento sportivo Il ruolo della tecnologia nello Sport L’allenamento complesso Consigli per un allenatore Per l’intervista completa al Dott. Bellotti esegui la registrazione Inserisci il tuo…

2 November 2012

The sports training in a glass of wine

"What do you see in this cup of red wine?"Asks a diner to the philosopher Edgar Morin. He answers: "I see the particles of the atom, I see the helium nuclei, I see the vineyard that produced the grape and then the Mediterranean, the origin of life and much more. I see the birth of the universe because I see the particles that are formed in the first seconds. Vedo un sole antecedente il nostro poiché i nostri atomi di carbonio…

22 October 2012

The functional evaluation, Towards a new paradigm

What is the functional evaluation of the athlete? What is the currently prevailing paradigm? Unfortunately today, thinking to correctly apply the tools of science, treat the living matter as a complicated and complex; also the functional evaluation refers to this model. The error often committed is to think of an athlete like a car made up of many mechanical parts, you are looking more and more to break down the individual elementary units….

10 October 2012

Science and Consciousness

The concept of movement can not be approached with a purely scientific: classical science is not sufficient to explain complicated phenomena. Physical exercise is not the study of physics or mathematics, that are definitely involved but did not sell out. Let's try to think of the movement as the endless flow of reality, perennial in the birth and death of things; the flow of life. Per intraprendere…

27 September 2012

The great books about sports training are not the books about training! (1)

Just so: the real books about training are not the ones who speak workout, without detracting from professionals, Scientists movement, but if we continue to stay to cultivate our garden, without embracing other knowledge, our ability to observe the phenomena that surround us will always be limited to the knowledge of our discipline, and only with great effort, we will make a step forward towards new horizons; include sports training is to understand the life, studiare l’allenamento…

3 September 2012

The motion is complex as it is complex man

A document courtesy of Prof. Pasquale Bellotti (material provided to the courses of the Faculty of Sciences of Turin for the field of teaching Moral Philosophy, Prof.. Dr. Pasquale Bellotti) written in 1935 dall'immenso Scienziato Nikolaj Bernstejin,dal titolo “Il problema dell’interrelazione tra coordinazione localizzazione”. Stunning noted as a distance of 80 years his studies are still quite current, I would say, not yet passed, surprising, I would say brilliant, note in the video, technology, today…

13 June 2012