The sports training in a glass of wine

"What do you see in this cup of red wine?"Asks a diner to the philosopher Edgar Morin. He answers: "I see the particles of the atom, I see the helium nuclei, I see the vineyard that produced the grape and then the Mediterranean, the origin of life and much more. I see the birth of the universe because I see the particles that are formed in the first seconds. I see a sun antecedent our since our carbon atoms are forged within that star that has exploded. Then the carbon is bound to other carbon atoms in the kind of cosmic dustbin, and whose detriment, aggregandosi, form the ground. I see the composition of the macromolecules that are assembled to give birth to life. I see the first living cells, the development of the plant world, the taming of the screw in the Mediterranean countries. I see the bacchanalian revels and. I see the selection of vines, care around the age-old vineyards. Finally, I see the development of modern technology today that allows you to control the temperature by means of fermentation in the cellars. I see all the cosmic and human history in this glass of wine and, of course, also the specific history of Bordeaux. "1

Illuminating this passage from one of the six volumes on the Method The Nature of: This is the approach that should be an expert in movement, when he is to attend a rally, an athletic, etc.. In any movement, even the most basic, as in a process hologramatic is preserved the history of the movement, This is all the life that is born in the mists of time. In a move, even the most basic, is possible to observe the evolution of man, the biological, Physics, but also the character of a person. The movement contains a wealth of information. I knew in an instant that talented coaches are able to interpret the characteristics of the athlete, some just look at the posture of the person, muscle tone, i gesti, the walk to see more of when we can imagine our student.

Tell me how you move and I'll tell you who you are.

The simple measurement makes sense, but only if accompanied by metacognitive reflections that extend our visual. First of all, what should develop the coach is the sensitivity to serendipity; like a detective arrived on the scene of the crime by even the most insignificant details come to understand who was the murderess, so the coach should reconstruct the situation to indicate the way to go.

Road that is not traced by programs but by strategies.

How would Antonio Machado, "No walking path”: the way you do with the way.A

"In conditions of high complexity,
dominated by the intertwining between necessity and chaos,
the only way to learn is that which proceeds by trial and error (try & learn).” 2

The role of the coach is similar to that of a researcher, Treading a way to find and create moment by moment.

The creation requires the simultaneous
use of divergent thinking
(to the discontinuity) and convergent (towards sustainability). 2

For this space is the action-research, why it makes sense to say that the coach must stand on the brink of chaos. You must put in a position to seize the creative moment.

"It takes a mix of rationality and irrationality to address the problems. In order to overcome the mismatch between global problems and knowledge parceled, knowledge has become multidimensional and interdisciplinary.” 3

A system too ordered it crystallises,
becomes hard and brittle.
A too chaotic system is unable to coordinate
forces to deal with the problems.
But a system with a certain degree of disorder
is flexible, adaptive and creative.B

The coach must be able to grasp, must be able to understand, requires awareness and understanding of the complexity. He must be ready to change, must be flexible to this change. It was here that the sports training, per questo "no walking path", the way you do with the way.

"Learning is not derived (only)
study of known cases,
but the action firsthand practice within the complexity. "2

But which way we had to expect?

Certainly not a straight path without unexpected. "Prepare to experience the uncertainty".

"The complexity is a word, not a word-problem-solving." (E. Morin)

How would still Morin:

"Knowledge is therefore uncertain just an adventure in itself that involves the risk of error and illusion. Now, is in the doctrinal certainties, dogmatic and intolerant that lurk the worst illusions. " (E. Morin)


"We sail in an ocean of uncertainties through an archipelago of local certainties."(E. Morin)

Quote of the Greek poet Euripides, Today, as then, has not touched his message:

"The expected never happens, is the unexpected that God opens the door. "(Euripides)

"The Way Way is not really a constant way." (Lao Tzu)

Armed with passion, love, faith and hope, with a sense of anguish we go in the ocean of uncertainties.

Dante Alighieri expresses this sense of being lost in a sublime way in the first lines of the Divine Comedy:

In the middle of the journey of our life

I found myself in a dark forest,

For the straightforward pathway had been lost.4

I do not know what are the certainties are not the only real certainty, that is the uncertainty.

"We can not predict
by rational or scientific methods
the future development of scientific knowledge […]
So we can not predict the future course of human history. "
(Carl Popper)

"True rationality is different from the rationalization: the true rationality interacts with the obscure. " (Edgar Morin)

Continued in the next article…

I recommend this movie because I think it expresses well to some of the concepts written in this article

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Giulio Rattazzi



  1. l Method Vol.1- The Nature of Nature Edgar Morin – Routledge Publishing
  2. Prey or spider Alberto De Luca Toni and Alberto F Comello. de Luca Toni and Comello, Prey or spider, Utet Library Turin, 2005.
  3. The seven knowledge necessary to the education of the future Author: Edgar Morin Editore: Cortina Date of Publication: 2001
  4. First triplet of the first canto of the Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri.





Posted by giulio.rattazzi