The Sports Doping who suffers who fights Alessandro Donati

CopertinaThen, student of the Faculty of Sciences made a question to my teacher of sports law, known judge.

<< Professor excuse me what it's like can the institution CONI deputy to better prepare athletes for the Olympic Games and international competitions, also the body to oversee the doping?, in short, in other words: controlled by a controller itself?>>

His response was: << Coni is a non-partisan organization that is based on the principles of In Cubertin, the Olympic Charter, sul FarPlay, how can you think such a thing?>>

I thought then: <<Mah ?! , what a fool I was to ask a similar question, as I may have thought wrong !?>>

Today I pose another question: << Where did those famous sporting values which appealed to the professor of sports law?>>.

So I think:

I think it's a moral obligation to read and spread this book by anyone who loves sports, activity more beautiful than man has ever invented since its creation, killed by "people" greedy and unscrupulous, worse still, unfortunately, that sometimes it was not only the sport to die, just so, was not only the sport to die !!!, I hope that at least these people have a conscience that cries with the same voices of the victims who have reaped, (in some cases "victims" is not metaphorical).

We avoid a repetition of what has already happened 1989 with "Champions worthless" the same Prof.. Donati (Publisher Ponte Alle Grazie), a book that denounced the corruption of the sports system, a book intended to create a scandal which, unfortunately, part of the corrupt system has spread vigorously avoided.

Today Alessandro Donati offers a second chance:

“Sport of Doping the sufferer who is fighting” Editions GruppoAbele

The appointments of Prof. Donated to the presentation of the book:

  • Saturday 26 January pm 20.30 at the Municipal Hall of Sernaglia (Treviso).
  • Tuesday 29 January pm 9:00, Livy High School Auditorium Milan
  • Wednesday 30 January pm 17.30 Palazzo Tursi the Town Genoa
  • Friday 15 February pm 18:00 at the Libreria Feltrinelli Udine
  • Tuesday 19 February 2013 hours 18,00 Aula Magna of the First Circle Learning piazza of the Republic, Eboli (Salerno)

Posted by giulio.rattazzi