Science conscientiously

Lub tswvyim ntawm no tsis muaj approached nrog lub purely kev los mus kom ze: classical science yuav tsis txaus los piav tej txoj kev phenomena. Ce muaj zog tsis yog txoj kev tshawb no physics los sis kev kawm txog zauv, lawv mas nws yeej yuav muab kev koom tes, tiam sis nws yuav tsis khiav. Xav txog qhov no raws li cov kev txom ndlwg ntawm kev muaj tiag, perennial nyob rau hauv yug thiab cov tuag yam; ndlwg ntawm lub neej. Rau undertake no tshiab qhov chaw muaj yuav tsis muaj ib txoj kev, los yog zoo dua qub, ntawm tus qauv, yog tsis tsuas kev. Peb yuav tsum nrhiav hauj lwm txhooj xav rau lawv tus kheej. Txhais tau tias txoj kev, qhov tseeb, "ntawm", "mus kev deb".

Peb pib retracing tej kauj ruam yooj yim yuav pab kom peb to taub txog qhov peb tau ua thaum twg peb tham txog qhov scientific txujci thiab cas koom rau cov kev muaj tiag uas surrounds rau peb ces.

Nyob rau ob peb tus kab tom ntej no kuv relocated reflections ntawm yawm thinkers yav tas los thiab tam sim no, Raws li ib cov zajlus kom xov mus

Scientific nug yog dab tsi?

Wb muab ib txhais. Ntawm Wikipedia, cov dawb Encyclopedia, cov dawb encyclopedia:

"Scientific yog ib hom raug los ntawm tej yam kev kawm loj zuj zus mus cuag ib txoj kev paub ntawm tsoom kev muaj tiag, txhim khu kev qha, tag thiab uncontroversial. Nws muaj, nyob rau hauv ib tes, nyob rau hauv cov qhov sau los ua povthawj empirical thiab feem cuam los soj thiab xyaum ua tej yam; rau lwm cov tes, nyob rau lub formulation ntawm kwvyees thiab theories ua nais maum kuaj dua qhov xyaum ua tej yam.TUS

Ua kom pom kev thiab muaj cim universal, koj yuav tau mus thov cov cai tswj nram qab no:

  • soj ntsuam thiab piav txog ib cov zauv phenomenon
  • formulate ib hypothesis uas yuav qhia tau
  • toov ib los yog ntau tshaj qhov yuav tshwm ntawm no assumption tub
  • Muaj tseeb experimentally zoo
  • xaus (soj ntsuam): paub meej tias nws los yog refute pib lub assumption.

Thaum twg lub qhov yuav tshawb kom paub tseeb kwvyees, Yog tham txog lub hom phiaj ntawm tswvyim thiab thaum muaj ib txoj cai; ntawm txheej kev cai yog ib qhov kev tshawb xav.

Yog li tsim los ntawm science yog cov tswvyim rau ntuj phenomena uas leej twg los hais tau dua.1 Li no cov tseem ceeb ntawm kev piav qhia txog lub phenomena thiab li nyob rau hauv nqe lus xaiv, tsis yooj yim thiab nws, kom txhua tus tau cov cuab yeej yog sib txuas lus.

Thaum sau los ntawm tus nqi zog Nobel khiav Ilya Prigogine:

"Ntawm science classical pom kev zoo coj rau ib dichotomy: nyob rau hauv 1663, Thaum twg Robert Hooke cai ntawm txoj cai ntawm ' ib lub neej muaj koob muaj npe. Nws yog li piav lub hom phiaj: ua kom paub txog tej yam thiab tag nrho pab Arts, lub Manufactories, Txoj kev uas neeg kho tshuab, cov cav tov thiab inventions by means of thwmsim, thiab ntxiv: tsis messing nrog Theology, Metaphysics, Morale, Txoj, Qauv sau ntawv, Rhetoric los ua logic. Yog twb paub qhov 'ob mus kuaj' ua nto moo ntawm qhov ntim ntawm c. p faib.. Daus. Lub revamped views ntawm cov xwm uas yog tam sim no hnubpoob yuav tshaj, Hopefully, No txheem ntawm paj tsuag rau hauv ib tes thiab neeg txaus siab los ntawm lwm yam.2

Lub hom phiaj ntawm cov kev kawm uas niaj hnub (Newton-Leibniz) heev los txo cov multiplicity thiab ntau yam dab ntuj ob peb kev cai, txoj kev uas yooj yim li formulated, abstract economic, txhais kom meej cov kev tsim nyog thiab txaus puag yuav piav txog tej kev phenomenon tiag tiag thiab yuav tau.

Newton thiab Galileo tau qhia peb tias nyob hauv kev soj ntsuam txog txoj kev tshawb no muaj ib cov neeg phenomenon lub cev peb yuav tsum:

  • lov nws rau hauv nws qhov chaw uas yooj yim, pib uas tso nws tawm tag nrho lwm thiab lo lus hindrances
  • kawm tau tus cwj pwm ntawm ib qho twg
  • neeg tus cwj pwm zuag qhia tag nrho ntawm lub cev.(II)

Tab sis cov cov kev xav ntawm peb kev kawm (thiab, tshwj xeeb, ntawm peb Physics) hu rau tej zaum lub tswv yim ntawm lub ntug distorted, ib lub tswv yim uas yuav siv tau ib qho (regularities yeej nyob ua ib ke) rau txhua qhov (cov axiom whereby tus ntug yog nws xwb)?

"Xwm yog raug teeb meem ntawm linear le caag, mechanists, khav thiab, Thaum kawg, rozzi, ib subordinate mus rau tag nrho cov kev kawm economic lub zeem muag tias ib zaug xwb xav uas paub hais tias tus nqi tso cai los ntawm txhua yam thiab cov nqi uas tsis muaj dab tsi." 2

Tsis txhob chasing npau suav megalomaniacs, Nws yuav ua tau ntau npaum li cas meej pem thiab kev "tau ntxias ntawm qhov sib raug zoo ntawm qhov sij hawm hauv cov khoom ntawm xwm.

Thaum peb tu nyob ntiaj teb no (Ib) los nyob ntiaj teb no (Ecology) Peb yeej soj ntsuam nrog lub tshuab evolutionary, lossi hloov. Peb tsis tau ua ntawv thov cov kev popperiani kev falsification thiab verifiability, Peb tsis txawj hais lus ntawm thwmsim reproducible, qhov yooj yooj yim vim tias evolving tshuab pheej hloov yam stochastic thiab tsis yuav muab rov qab rau cov ntsiab lus tib, cov teeb meem no tib. Biodiversity nyob rau hauv txoj kev loj hlob kom paub no sawv daws yuav tsis yog (ib txhia yuav hais tias 'mas kis').2

"Sib txawv nyob tshuab (lub tshuab kom deb li deb tau ntawm thermodynamic equilibrium thiab cov uas tsis mloog lus, ces, Ob txoj kev cai classical thermodynamics los yog thermodynamics tshwm txhooj, tab sis tsuas rau lub Thermodynamics ntawm evolution of Prigogine) thiab cov cav tov cov lus dag hauv fact uas cov xiav-luam hauv lub tshuab rau ntawm lub Rooj Tswjhwm Saib ntawm tus kws ua kev (thiab yog tib yam rau txhua cov cav tov ntawd yam) Txawm yog intrinsic rau lawv lub xiav-sau cov nyob zog, txawv ntawm qhov uas ua tau ntawm tej lwm nyob kaw lus thiab yog lossi hloov." 2

Ua li no koj yuav tsum overcome barrier lub nyuas kev thiab humanistic culture, tau ib tus transdisciplinarietà tiag tiag, sib txuas lus hauv lub loog uas muaj kev kawm, cov neeg uas muaj xwm, tus neeg uas muaj tus kwv: Qhov no yog txoj kev mus combat groupthink uas tso cai los ntawm, proliferated nyob rau lub aggravation ntawm cov zauv mechanism ntawm Galileo thiab Descartes, mira rau tus sau muaj xwm. Nws hnov li cas feem no ua, hnub no, uniformity ka creativity hos science thiab lub hauv paus ntawm lub hauv paus chiv keeb ntawm lub neej, biodiversity.

"Yog hais tias txhua yam yog kev pom zoo, caag, catalogued, weighed, kev ntsuas uas' feem', Economic indicators as, ironclad cov kev cai thiab lwm yam., Yuav muaj tsis muaj ntxiv los yog kev zoo nkauj, los yog kev kawm.3

Peb xav tau ib tus tshiab mentality: txoj kev mus ntsib tej yam tseem ceeb tshaj rau cov kev pauv tswv yim. Lub mentality tshiab coj peb nyob txawv, nyob hauv txoj kev yuav mob, nyob rau hauv rooj plaub, thiab ua kom peb tso tseg txoj kev ruaj ntseg ntawm ib qho kev pab.

Nws yuav tsis tau ib qho kev heev (tus sau los ntawm cov zaub mov txawv), tab sis ib tug uas zoo (uas yog ib txoj kev ua adapts nyob ntawm lub tswv yim ntawm kev muaj tiag). Yog tsis muaj cov ready-made replies.III

Yuav tsis muaj kev, raws li tus sociologist Edgar Morin:

"Ib yog tsis siv tau yog tias nws tsis yog lub complexity. Peb xav tau ib txoj kev uas peb yuav tau xav txog qhov complexity txog rau ntawm, es nws yaj thiab mutilate cov kev muaj tiag."

Cov complexity no yog dab tsi, No txoj kev xav? Peb paub tias ntawm cov lus Morin:

"Txoj kev xav yog tus paub departing qhov impossibility paub tag: yog ib lub axioms txog complexity yeej ua, theoretical tseem, cov omniscience. Nrog paub txog ib txojcai ntawm incompleteness thiab uncertainty. Txoj kev xav muaj animated los nro ruaj khov ntawm cov aspiration rau ib tug tsis txhob piecemeal, non-sectoral, tsis simplistic, thiab nrog paub txog clothesource thiab incompleteness txhua tus paub. No nro muaj animated tag nrho kuv lub neej […]. Tas kuv sim neej kuv muaj ib aspired ib multidimensional xav […]. Kuv yeej ib txwm muaj kev sib sib zog nqus ib txhia uas tseeb, sib antagonistic, tau complementary rau kuv, tsis ceasing yuav tsis antagonists.4

Yog ib txoj kev uas koj paub, muaj kev koom tes:

"Kev nkag siab yuav ib txoj kev qhia kom paub thiab mus kuaj. Yog kuv pom ib tug kas hauv lub kua muag, Kuv sim ua kom to taub hais tias tsis yog xab tus salinity ntawm nws lub kua muag, tab sis evoking kuv nyob hauv kuv lub discomforts childhood, paub kuv thiab identificandomi rau nws. To taub, intersubjective ib txwm, Koj yuav tsum tau qhib thiab generosity."
Hauv no hwm yog heev muaj kev soj xyuas Martin hauv nws phau ntawv Grotiahn rau luag:

"Kuv tsis xav vivisect rau Nightingale mus nrhiav tau rau ntawm daim card uas nws hu nkauj: Kuv yuav ua tiag mloog nws thiab to taub txog nws; Thaum mloog, Kuv yeej zoo siab, thiab qhov no tseem yuav ua kom kuv to taub."6,7

Simplification yog tus yeeb ncuab: Peb yuav tsum xav tias qhov yooj yim thiab cov complex txog; “Nws coj ib tug stunning complexity kev lom thiab kev tau txais ib cov lus luag."

Txuas ntxiv mus rau…

Giulio Rattazzi

Ceeb toom:

  1. mus. Xav paub ntxiv, thov saib hauv bibliography thiab cov websites

Qhov chaw kawm ntawv

  1. TUS.
  2. (II).
  3. III.
  4. IV.


  1. Fabio P. Marchesi, Exotropia. Tus qauv tshiab ntawm kev muaj tiag, Caag tshiab
  2. Nicola Russo, Philosophy thiab ecology, Tswv yim txog kev kawm thiab xyaum Conference, Kev qhia, 2000.
  3. Nicola Russo, Qhov ib uas Hans Jonas philosophical, Kev qhia
    1. THIAB. Morin, Taw qhia kom koj xav tias txoj, trad.. • siv cov mis. Sperling & Kupfer, Milan, 1993.
    2. THIAB. Morin, Lub taub hau zoo ua, Cortina, 1999.
    3. Martin Grotiahn, Yuav luag, Longanesi, Milan, 1981, p. 8.
    4. Giorgio Blandino, Tus koomtes kawm, Cortina, Milan, 1995.

Tso tawm los giulio. rattazzi

Lus raug kaw.